Eye Recommend Membership Eligibility Requirements
The following represents the current membership criteria for Doctors Eye Care Coop Ltd. These criteria are intended to ensure that our cooperative continues to add innovative, forward-thinking Optometry professionals while safeguarding the future and mission of independent Optometry.
At the Board of Directors discretion, these criteria may be modified, amended, or appended as required.
The prospective member:
- Must have an ownership position in a full-scope independent optometric clinic. If the clinic has more than one OD owner, all OD owners must already be or intend to become members.
- Must be a member of their provincial and Canadian optometric associations with no current or pending violations registered with their colleges. We recommend that owners strongly encourage that all associates also be members of their provincial and Canadian optometric associations as well.
- Must ensure that all clinics under their control are included in the membership application to join Eye Recommend. If a potential member has partial ownership (not controlling interest) in a clinic(s) that is part of another corporate structure, they will be required to divest themselves of these ownership arrangements prior to their membership start date. Proof of divestiture or termination will be required. The Board may, in its sole discretion, allow a potential member a probationary membership into Eye Recommend provided the potential member agrees in writing to discontinue these arrangements by an agreed to date. This date will not exceed a period of 2 years, but the actual date will be determined by the Board at the time of application.
- Must resign from their current buying group (if they belong to one) prior to the starting date of their Membership in Eye Recommend. Proof of resignation will be required.
- Must provide, upon request of the Board or Membership Engagement Committee, up to two references (each a “Sponsor”) who agrees be interviewed by a Board member regarding eligibility for membership. Each Sponsor shall be an Optometrist, and preferably an Eye Recommend member.
- Must show that they have financial stability by allowing Eye Recommend to conduct a credit check with several suppliers during the application process. Owners of new practices (within the last year) or with no credit history will be required to provide further security, such as a personal guarantee.
- May not be part of the panel of any Managed Care groups that have exam and product discounts as part of their agreement.
- All prospective members are identified to the entire membership during the application process so that existing members may provide information or feedback to be used by the Board during the approval stage.
- Must not be targeting the completely identical patient base of an existing member practice. If a prospective member plans to operate a practice which seems to be targeting the completely identical patient base of an existing Eye Recommend practice, a greater depth of investigation may be required before the application is approved by the Board.
Approved by the Board of Directors: December 5, 2023